Road closures

Dear residents, visitors,

we ask you to behave safely during this year’s Rallye Český Krumlov and to cooperate with the individual organizers at the stages. Please follow the instructions of the organisers and other rally safety officials. As a rule, do not stay in the restricted areas and near the route of the competing vehicles during the stage, even if these areas are on your land, gardens or yards. Do not cross the track while the stage is in progress!

Always keep an eye on your children or the elderly and ensure that they only move in safe areas away from the speed test route. Also secure your pets.

Apart from the entry bans, any restrictions will only be implemented for the minimum time necessary before and during the stage.

Please report any damage to property to the appropriate stage manager.

Thank you for your understanding.

Rallye Český Krumlov Organizing Team

51. Rallye Český Krumlov 2024 – Road closures