Hygienic conditions for crews

On the basis of the order of the Regional Sanitary Station of the South Bohemia Region, the competing crews of the 48th Rally Český Krumlov, held from 12 to 14 November, have the following obligations to meet the hygiene requirements during the competition:

1. Proof of crew member’s infection-free status

  • a certificate of completed vaccination or covid-19 disease not older than 180 days – these persons will be marked as infection-free for the duration of the event. Competitive crew meeting this point will be allowed to complete the administrative check-in during the presentation.

  • a negative test for covid-19 submitted at the administrative acceptance on Friday 12 November, whereby:

    a) in the event of a negative PCR test valid until Sunday 14 November, these persons will be marked as infection-free for the duration of the event;
    b) in the case of a negative antigen test on Friday 12 November, they will be marked as non-infectious until Saturday 13 November with the proviso that they have to prove themselves with another negative antigen test on Sunday 14 November, otherwise they will not be allowed to start stage 2.

If you take the PCR test on Wednesday, which will be valid up to and including Saturday, to complete the competition you just need to take the antigen test at the sampling point provided by the organizer before the entrance to the closed parking lot before the start of Stage 2 on Sunday, November 14 at 6:30 a.m.

2. Submission of a group list of declarations of infection-free status of other team members.

Exhibition area České Budějovice – rules for movement in the area

  1. When entering the exhibition area, the movement of people in the outdoor area is expected, therefore, an O-N-T control will not be immediately required. At the same time, it is necessary to observe the spacing and in large groups of people to wear a respirator according to the currently valid rules of the Ministry of Health.
  2. Respirators are required to be worn indoors in accordance with current Ministry of Health regulations.
  3. Entry to Hall Z will be granted only to persons who present a certificate of completed vaccination, a disease not older than 180 days or a negative test (O-N-T). This rule also applies to technical acceptance!

Testing at the event venue

Participants and the public will be able to take the covid-19 test without prior registration at the NEXTCLINICS sampling station at the entrance gate to the České Budějovice Exhibition Grounds from Husova třída:

  1. PCR test – Thursday 11 November 2021 from 8 am to 1 pm
  2. antigen test – on 11 and 12 November 2021 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.